Terms & Conditions: Latitude Intelligence

LAST UPDATED: February 20, 2024

This report is subject to terms and conditions of use and a license agreement. Post Script Media Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Latitude Media”), reserves the right to terminate any license granted to the User while retaining for its own benefit all monies paid for the report in the event of a material breach of any of these terms and conditions by the User or any persons within the User’s organization. 

Copyright and Trademarks

Copyright 2024 by Latitude Media All rights reserved. The report, contents herein, and associated intellectual property rights are owned by Latitude Media and protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other foreign countries as applicable. User agrees that it does not acquire any rights or interests in the report other than the grant of license herein. User agrees not to engage in or permit any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution or transmission, publication, display, or derivative work of any report or the information/forecasts therein without the express consent of Latitude Media. 

All trade names, trademarks and logos are proprietary trademarks of their respective owners and are protected by applicable trademark and copyright laws.

Latitude Media hereby grants User a limited personal, non exclusive, non refundable, non transferable license to use the report for internal research purposes only. User may not resell, export, or make commercial use of the report. Latitude Media retains full, exclusive and sole ownership of each report disseminated hereunder, and all associated rights therein.